Sunday, February 23, 2014

Writings and Ramblings

I start a bunch of writings and never seem to finish them. Some I have published but others I haven't. These ones are from Deviant Art. I figure the best way of letting people see my work is to show what I got!
So on this dreary, wintry day in good ol' New Hampshire, I give to you

CET: Cyborg Eradication Team

The rustling tore me from my sleep. I grabbed the gun nestled safely in my nightstand. I slid from the bed soundlessly. The upgrade made it possible to see at night. I was thankful for it as I creaked open the door that let to my bedroom. I whipped around the corner as I heard another crash. I crept through the small hallway, trying to pinpoint the attackers location.I felt something brush past my leg and faced my gun toward it. It was my cat, looking up at me before running to the bedroom. I turned back around and saw a masked figure in front of me. I opened my mouth to scream but their hand caught it. Whoever they were strong enough to pick me up despite my flailing. Screams escaped my throat and a raw feeling settled in. They pulled the gun from my hand right as my fist connected with their throat. I fell to the ground and shuffled around, searching for the gun. The masked person, who I now knew was a man due to the Adam's apple I had connected with, reached for me. His weight fell on top of me, making me inches away from the gun. My hand connected with his forehead and knocked his body off just enough for me to reach my gun. He got up, stumbling back a few steps as I pointed the gun at him.Three shots. Three bullets. All of which connected to his chest. I watched as the life left his eyes. His body fell to the ground. I got up and walked over to him, pressing my fingers against his neck for a pulse. I stood back up and watched as the blood pooled around his body.Exercise Terminated. Exercise Terminated.I looked up as the loud bells rag out, burning through my ears. The walls of my apartment began to shake and whistle. They fell to the side and the light consumed me. I covered my eyes and when they finally adjusted I saw Joe."Joe, you son of a bitch. Testing me when I am asleep? You even brought my cat!" I screamed as I walked toward the man. Joe was a stout man, always dressed in a suit and tie. His black hair barely covered his head anymore. His eyes were covered by his large glasses."Oh don't be like that! I wanted to see if the upgrades were working." He walked over to me. I threw the gun down in front of him, anger boiling in my veins.He walked up to me, pulling me into a hug briefly. "Stop fighting. Your training is done, Cas." I looked up at him with a vengeful look before walking back to the remains of my fake house. I snatched up Shay and she began purring instantly. She stepped outside in the bitter cold, wearing tight shorts and a tank top."Bloody Joe." I grumbled. I spotted a black motorcycle parked in front of the warehouse. "Aw Joe, you remembered my bike. The only thing good you did." "Don't be like this, Cas." His soft voice whispered in my ear. Damn it, he even put an ear piece in. "I'm fine. I just need sleep like every other being." His sigh felt like he as next to me but no more noise came from the ear piece. I hopped on the bike, Shay under my arm, and headed for my apartment.
Chapter One:The Warehouse.
The place you didn't want to be but unfortunately was where all of the training was done. My name is long and boring, but most people called me Cas. I am what most people would call a cyborg although I hate that name. I was not born this way but rather happened to be this because of an accident. I had cracked my head open and my brains got so scrambled I was blind. They had thought of many different ideas but the only ones that seemed to make any sense was to test the connection between machines and humans. I had taken to the procedure so well instead of letting my wrist heal they rebuilt it with metal. Cyborg. I hated that word. I hated when people called me that. I preferred digitally enhanced. I was part of a team that made sure other cyborgs were working correctly. We were an eradication team, if that makes better sense. We were specialized to fight any type of cyborg that got in the way.The morning called to me, the sun slowly reaching up into the sky. I rolled off the side of the bed and rubbed my face. Sleep had not been kind to me, let alone what Joe pulled. I got up, showered and pulled on my plain black jumpsuit that unfortunately hugged my body. I poured some cat food into Shay's bowl and grabbed my protein shake.Outside I jumped onto my bike and left for the warehouse. The warehouse, where we all trained but lacked actual motivation to be at. My team was made up of a technical expert, two cyborgs, our fearless leader, a programer and someone who fixed cyborgs for a hobby. I turned to bike into the parking garage. I stepped off of it, seeing Kyle, the other cyborg."Cas! I hear Joe called you in for late night work?" He laughed as he walked over to me. Joe had half of his body turned into a machine. His left leg, arm and ribs were all metal. "Well yeah, don't even get me started. He pulled the 'I want to test out your upgrade' bullshit again." Kyle laughed and nodded."Come on, let's get to work." Kyle was taller than me, mostly because of his metal work. He had short black hair and green eyes. He was quite bulky, his shoulder quite spread apart. I followed him down the hallway and scanned my badge. The door began to open, slowly and loudly. Inside the area opened up beneath them. A large circle sat in the middle of the floor, a sphere covering it. I watched as someone training turned around and caught the probe in the stomach."Man, she has been in there for quite some time." Kyle laughed and walked over to where a desk was set up. He picked up the clipboard and flipped through some papers. "You and I are on a double today, teaming up against Neo's newest." He made a face before laughing."Hey, slackers. Get suited up." I heard. I turned around and made eye contact with our leader. May gave me a stern look back. "Hurry up I say!" May had been our leader for too long. She was one of the bravest women I knew. She had short blonde hair and pale blue eyes, she was built like a man though, more muscles than any of us and she was damn strong too."Yes, Ma'am. Neo here yet?" I asked. She nodded and pointed. I followed her hand and smiled when I saw him. Neo was a small nerd, scrawny with glasses that he always pushed further up his nose."Cas! Kyle! I got a good one for you." He laughed as he ran over. "This one is programmed to know who you are, know your specialties. Think on your feet but don't do what you usually do, it has your habits programmed." His eyes flashed."Well gee, thanks Neo. Get it in the program." I grumbled. Kyle was already suited up. I pulled the black jacket over my jumpsuit and slid on my big boots. I looked over at Kyle who put the light blue sunglasses on, I closed my eyes and when I reopened them they were programmed, small numbers and equations crossing my normal vision. I slid the two guns on my hips and the knife in my boot."Ready!" I called. Neo gave me a look as Kyle and I stepped into the sphere. The second I stepped in the scenery changed. It was almost like we were transported somewhere else. Our mind would think we were running but our bodies would stay in one place. I turned to Kyle and nodded."Start Exercise." I commanded the computer and it began to make a loud whirring noise. 

Three more sections. Shall I put them up or is this just gibberish? Let me know!
Don't forget to get my free book on Smashwords, Rex.
And add me on Twitter: @becks_babe303

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